independent crafters, jewelers, designers, and artists

Tag Archives: Treasury

So tomorrow marks one year since two amazing kitties came to live with me. My sweet little Ethel & Atticus. I thought it only right to share their photo and my latest treasury – Cats! My you all find and fall in love with a kitty too.

Ethel & Atticus

Ethel & Atticus

Went and saw Guardians of the Galaxy last night at the cheap theater. Excellent film and Groot was hands down the best character for me, so to show some love, here’s my latest Etsy Treasury titles, I am Groot.


Found this digital download on Brandi York’s Etsy site, and it’s a featured piece in the treasury. Enjoy

“I know a cat named Easter, He says will you ever learn? You’re just an empty cage girl, if you kill the bird.” -Crucify from Little Earthquakes by Tori Amos. The inspiration for my latest Etsy Treasury.


I dream of Christmas past, as well as Christmas future, somewhere in the present Christmas of today. Remember that time’s change, not people. We are all connected through tradition, memory, and love. Peace and love to you on this and every Holiday.

Pictured above is Lap of Luxury by boopiedaisy on etsy. Click here to see this and the whole treasury.

My latest Treasury on Etsy is all about animal masks. I love masks. They are such a great form of storytelling, they frighten, they inspire, and they remind me that everyone we meet is hiding and struggling in some fashion. ImageThis beautiful illustration is titled Iris. Done by AlwaysAprilAlayne. Check out this picture and the rest of my treasury here.

Peace. Love. Whiskey. Card by Peacableprints on Etsy.

Tomorrow is St. Patrick’s Day, and while y’all are out there getting your green on, I’d like you to pause for a moment and remember what St. Patrick’s Day is really all about. Whiskey! Sure beer too, but come on, drink like an Irishman and throw back something with a kick!

I’ll be at my favorite Renton watering hole, DC’s Bar and Grill, better known by the locals at Renton’s living room. If you really want to get your jig on thou, go to A Terrible Beauty, DTR’s favorite Irish Pub, where they will be having events the whole day thru and deep into the night.

My latest Treasury was easy because it surrounded some of my favorite things. My heritage, my favorite color, and whiskey! Tomorrow I’ll have a glass for you Gramma O’Brien!

vintage friendship pattern pyrex mixing bowl

Although it’s not all handmade. It is all Pyrex, and who doesn’t love Pyrex? No seriously, who doesn’t. I shutter at the thought. So here is the latest treasury, my ode to Pyrex.

Yes we here in the Seattle area have been getting all kinds of grieve lately about our recent snow storm, or rather, ice storm. I don’t remember ever having an ice storm here, and I don’t ever recall any other time when everyone swears that they were driving fine, but no one else was. Good times, good times. Now it seems that all is back to normal, so I decided to create a Treasury to represent the snow, and all the wonder of the season. check it out here.

Snow Enchantress by ThePlumedSerpent on Etsy.


Nyte Ryderz are an amazing group of friends who ride their bikes around at night. I am in love with these people and this experience, and the adventures we have. This treasury is my homage to them.

"The Clubhouse" by Cricket Press on Etsy


I can't get enough! This kid is too darn cute in his little beard by laura design on Etsy.

Ah Novembeard. The slightly less well known cousin of Mustache March, and also two of my favorite months. Yes I believe it has something to do with all the fun hairy faces men, and yes sometimes women too, running around with awesome facial hair. Here’s to you Novembeard.

5x7 Grow A Beard Print by Poppy and Pinecone, on Etsy.