independent crafters, jewelers, designers, and artists

Tag Archives: Local

It’s been a year, and she’d going for it once again. The amazing Jennifer Brooks Owen has been hard at work creating beautiful paintings in what I’m guessing to be her best show yet. The show is this Saturday, August 4th from 5-9. Come chat with the artist, have some vino, and gaze into the world of JBO.


This Saturday and Sunday, October 16th & 17th, 11am – 5pm. The Intiman Theater, 201 Mercer Street in Seattle. Come enjoy two floors of shopping! And what’s more! The first 50 people thru the doors each day receive a swag bag full of goodies just for stoppin by. Admission is FREE! Although a suggested $1.00 donation will directly benefit Seattle Schools through The EtsyRain team is always on the go! Reminding people daily to shop local and help keep our carbon footprint to a minimum. And hey, might as well get a jump on the holiday shopping season early. Come support some local talent and get something completely unique. And remember for every $100 you spent locally $68 returns to the community, and you’ll feel great about supporting a friend or neighbor who can then go out and spend their money made locally as well. Yeah community! These guys are great, so come out and support the show, oh, and come by and say hi to me on the 2nd floor and check out all the felt work I’ve been doin. Dj Corporate will be spinning the jams all weekend long too, so come by and check out this hot up and coming Dj while you still can.

So it’s Stitch & Bitch Sunday here at happy delusions where if you don’t know already, you are invited to come down and join in our little stitch fest. And as always, I feel it only right to bring attention to some amazing stitchers out in the world. Today I’d like to let everyone know about Mandy Greer. I was first intro’ed to this lady while watching handmade nation, which if you haven’t already, go watch this documentary by Faythe Levine. It’s what got me do to my sweet PBR latchhook, that I’ve had such recent success on. If you’re in the Seattle area get your booty down to Roq La Rue before May 7th and see her rad chandeliers at the “Lust Life 2” Group Invitational, and support our local galleries and artist in them. Mandy is one of the women who can take her vision and really put it into a piece that will leave your eyes to hours of wonder and enjoyment. So much going on, so much detail, so much fun, and so much work. Way to go girl. I literally have dreams of her work in my shop windows. I mean hey, a girls gotta dream. 🙂

February is Heart month here in Renton. Come on in to pick up your passport and up your awareness of heart health. The City of Renton has teamed up with happy delusions and other local businesses to help get you a passport to free blood pressure and blood sugar screening. Get a stamp in your passport for both screenings plus a stamp at one of the participating businesses and be entered to win some exciting prizes. You can click here to get the complete details.

Love it or hate it, Valentine’s Day is upon us and you really should get something for that special someone. A card from one of our local card makers is a simple way to say, “Hey, I think you’re swell, even though I’m not really into this cheesy holiday, I didn’t want you to think I didn’t remember”. We have ton’s of cute vintage cards with a modern flare, like the one pictured here by Jane Hashash.  You can also go for the traditional Flowers and Candy which Deb at “Girlfriends” would happily put together a bouquet for you while you shop for all the fun candies we have decorated for the occasion by Ms. Magoo & Lou. These Bee’s reading “Bee Mine” happen to bee my favorite of their’s. Then you can head into Liberty Cafe for a non-threatening coffee date, or up to Common Ground Coffee and Cupcake for one of their Valentine cupcakes.

Of course we don’t want to forget those who have loved us from the get go either. We also have great gifts for your Mom, Dad, Best Friend, Grandma, etc. These are my favorite by Ms. Lady P.  As nothing says love like keeping someones feet toasty warm.

Check out this cool poster handmade by Catherine Mill of Renton WA. It was done in an awesome grassroots effort to save our local library from KCLS (King County Library System). In a nutshell, and with everyone feeling the effects of the economy, so is dear ol’ Renton. A special election is being held Feb. 9 to annex or not.  Word got out and the people are talking. It’s been so neat to see so many residents get involved and make a difference. Renton, in my opinion, projects an image and displays banners to encourage work, live, play, within our city. I do this and love this. We are in support of the little guy. Heck, we are the little guy. Why would such an amazing city want to give up our local library when everything they are promoting says that they want us to be local and independent? This confuses me, and as a downtown business owner I would be personally effected if our library were to leave, and my taxes went up. So whats the deal? Something seems off, but I still believe in our city, I believe in the downtown, I believe amazing things can happen when people realize they matter and get involved, I believe issues like this enpower us to do more, and I believe that the people will VOTE NO ON PROP. 1 and keep our libraries in our own control. Ballots are out, and if you haven’t made a decision yet, or have voted yes and want to change, there is still time, please check out these sites for more accurate info.

No KCLS Takeover , Save the Renton Library , Vote No Til You Know ,

Picture 018Yesterday local celebrity Sammy was photographed sportin a hat done by the amazing Ms. Carlee Wolcott. The mistress behind Noxenlux, unique hats for any style. Sammy shows his unique style here in a small teardrop shape peacock feather diddy, and a lot of sass if I don’t say so myself. I don’t think I’ve ever seen panda more proud.

Check out more of Carlee’s amazing hats now back at happy delusions, or go to

fireworksHave a wonderful 4th everyone. Be safe, have fun, and be sure to take a moment and remember why we are celebrating. This year has been a good reminder of what is good and true in life, and the 4th is our time to really appreciate our freedom. The future of our freedom and independence belongs to us. Lets make an effort, all of us, to END THIS WAR. Lets make an effort to bring back are rights that are under attack. Let us make an effort to each stand up as leaders and make our community even stronger.  Let us be the change we wish to see in the world. Keep it local, get involved, make a difference, use your rights, and let us all bring back the image of America as the friendly, caring country that wishes to help those in need, and show the world what our fore-fathers fought so hard for is still alive in our hearts and heads. Live your dream. Coexist. Peace.

Single flower vase

Single flower vase

Linda Vidmar has lived in Renton here entire life and is one of the most admired artists in happy delusions. You can catch her ceramics here and at various show throughout the town. I am always amazed when Linda tells me she is new to the world of pottery. She stands behind all her work and never puts anything less than perfection out for sale. Her prices are great and the colors are vibrant! Every week Linda and her very supportive husband John are down in the shop redoing their booth and bringing in new goods for us all to check out, but hurry in because her items go fast.

My favorite piece.

My favorite piece.

Daisies in Gold

Daisies in Gold

Laura Scheuffele is an amazing local artist who I met last spring at Renton’s Spring Festival. It was the first event happy delusions sponsored and despite the snow and freezing weather in April, all the artists were in great moods. Laura’s work caught my eye right away and was so pleased when she decided to showcase in the shop. Laura works with everything from watercolor, ink, pastels, and Acrylic. “Daisies in Gold”, is the first piece I’ve bought from Laura and goes perfect with my home decor. She has all her work framed and still manages to sell at a great deal!